Planture Supports “Circular System”

Why the Circular System?

Food waste, loss, and animal agriculture are the major contributors to Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHGs). How intriguing to say that human actions created these crucial factors of today, and it has been affecting human health through alterations to the environment.

In addition to the global warming alert, the world population is expected to exceed 9 billion and the demand for food and feed is anticipated to be over 70% by 2050. Does that confirm that food security is becoming the next mega challenge for the agri-food industry? We believe the answer is “YES”. The supply of animal-protein production will score the maximum capacity to feed the growing population aside from the massive demand from rich and developed countries. The Climate Act, however, dictates a 95% reduction in GHGs by 2050. We should explore more sustainable protein alternatives to reduce food waste and loss and allow the environment to thrive.

Let’s “Not Waste”

The alteration of plant proteins into animal protein alternatives supports the reduction of GHGs. However, in some situations, less than 15% of the plant proteins turn into animal protein alternatives, and 85% of it goes to waste. And these alternatives are still inefficient in the market. At this point, our company “Planture Group” is helping this event by upholding the circular food system and building a regenerative working model. The model regenerates a living system that supports a “No Waste” policy. We provide nutritious plant-based ingredients for food and feed by supporting the most accurate supply chain strategies and revitalising rejected food ingredients by offering and using them in industrial applications. Thus we are regenerating a living system by providing “zero waste” to the world.

We strongly believe that our regenerative working model offers a great solution to supply and support the best sustainable ecosystem services while nourishing and protecting our planet. To read more about a plant-based diet, please visit our posts on “Let’s Go Plant-Based” and “The Healthy Way of Eating Plant-Based.”

Contact Us

Give us a call or fill in the form below and we will contact you. We endeavor to answer all inquiries within 24 hours on business days.

Duivendrechtsekade 85H
1096 AJ Amsterdam
The Netherlands

233 S Wacker Dr.
44th Floor
IL 60606, Chicago, USA